Monday, May 28, 2012

Contest #336

My Entry
"...Actually, Allison, could I have you bring up the file
labeled 'Shareholder Presentation'?"

Five cartoons in and I finally get a laugh out of Meg.

The Winning Entry
Bob Low, Lakewood Ranch, FL
"As an icebreaker, let's all share one interesting thing about ourselves. I'll start."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Contest #334

My Entry
"I just can't seem to get comfortable
in these darn airline seats."

See, he's voicing that common complaint of airline travel—uncomfortable seats—as if his discomfort has nothing to do with the luggage he's wearing! See? Don't you see how funny that is? What is wrong with you people?

The Winning Entry
Gary Crockett, Chevy Chase, MD
"Help me get under the seat for takeoff."